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Common Crawl - Blog - Big Data Week: meetups in SF and around the world

Big Data Week: meetups in SF and around the world. Big Data Week aims to connect data enthusiasts, technologists, and professionals across the globe through a series of meet-ups.

Common Crawl - Blog - TalentBin Adds Prizes To The Code Contest

But if you think about what you look like as a distilled mashup of all your professionally relevant activity on Twitter, Facebook, Meetup, Github, Stackoverflow, Quora, US patent database, etc. etc. you quickly realize that it's a much richer, and more accurate

Common Crawl - Use Cases

Centipede: Analyzing web crawl data for context of a location. 2013 Open Analytics Meetup - Mortar. Open Analytics. A tutorial on democratizing data development, references Common Crawl. London Hug: Common Crawl an Open Repository of Web Data. Lisa Green.

Common Crawl - Blog - Common Crawl Enters A New Phase

Know of a stimulating meetup, conference or hackathon we should attend? We want to hear from you! This is the phase where the original vision truly comes to life, and the ideas Gil Elbaz had years ago will be converted to new products and insights.

Common Crawl - Blog - MapReduce for the Masses: Zero to Hadoop in Five Minutes with Common Crawl

When you've got a taste of what's possible when open source meets open data, we'd like to whet your appetite by asking you to remix this code. Show us what you can do with Common Crawl and stay tuned as we feature some of the results!