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March 4, 2015

January 2015 Crawl Archive Available

Note: this post has been marked as obsolete.
The crawl archive for January 2015 is now available! This crawl archive is over 139TB in size and contains 1.82 billion webpages.
Stephen Merity
Stephen Merity
Stephen Merity is an independent AI researcher, who is passionate about machine learning, open data, and teaching computer science.

The crawl archive for January 2015 is now available! This crawl archive is over 139TB in size and contains 1.82 billion webpages. The files are located in the commoncrawl bucket at /crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-06/.

Data Type File List #Files Total Size
Compressed (TiB)
Segments segment.paths.gz 98
WARC warc.paths.gz 25139 27.91
WAT wat.paths.gz 25139 9.09
WET wet.paths.gz 25139 3.21
URL index files cc-index.paths.gz 303 0.11
Columnar URL index files cc-index-table.paths.gz 300 0.12

To assist with exploring and using the dataset, we’ve provided gzipped files that list:

By simply adding either s3://commoncrawl/ or https://data.commoncrawl.org/ to each line, you end up with the S3 and HTTP paths respectively.

Thanks again to blekko for their ongoing donation of URLs for our crawl!

Please donate to Common Crawl if you appreciate our free datasets! We're seeking corporate sponsors to partner with Common Crawl for our non-profit work in big open data! Please contact info@commoncrawl.org for sponsorship information and packages.

This release was authored by:
No items found.


Charset Detection Bug in WET Records

Originally reported by: 
Javier de la Rosa

The charset detection required to properly transform non-UTF-8 HTML pages in WARC files into WET records didn't work before November 2016 due to a bug in IIPC Web Archive Commons (see the related issue in the CC fork of Apache Nutch).  There should be significantly fewer errors in all subsequent crawls. Originally discussed here in Google Groups.


Missing Language Classification

Originally reported by: 

Starting with crawl CC-MAIN-2018-39 we added a language classification field (‘content-languages’) to the columnar indexes, WAT files, and WARC metadata for all subsequent crawls. The CLD2 classifier was used, and includes up to three languages per document. We use the ISO-639-3 (three-character) language codes.