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March 22, 2012

Web Data Commons

Note: this post has been marked as obsolete.
For the last few months, we have been talking with Chris Bizer and Hannes Mühleisen at the Freie Universität Berlin about their work and we have been greatly looking forward the announcement of the Web Data Commons.
Common Crawl Foundation
Common Crawl Foundation
Common Crawl - Open Source Web Crawling data‍

For the last few months, we have been talking with Chris Bizer and Hannes Mühleisen at the  Freie Universität Berlin about their work and we have been greatly looking forward the announcement of the Web Data Commons.  This morning they and their collaborators Andreas Harth and Steffen Stadtmüller released the announcement below.

Please read the announcement and check out the detailed information on the website. I am sure you will agree that this is important work and that you will find their results interesting.

Hi all,

we are happy to announce WebDataCommons.org, a joined project of Freie
Universität Berlin and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology to extract all
Microformat, Microdata and RDFa data from the Common Crawl web corpus, the
largest and most up-to-data web corpus that is currently available to the

WebDataCommons.org provides the extracted data for download in the form of
RDF-quads. In addition, we produce basic statistics about the extracted

Up till now, we have extracted data from two Common Crawl web corpora: One
corpus consisting of 2.5 billion HTML pages dating from 2009/2010 and a
second corpus consisting of 1.4 billion HTML pages dating from February

The 2009/2010 extraction resulted in 5.1 billion RDF quads which describe
1.5 billion entities and originate from 19.1 million websites.
The February 2012 extraction resulted in 3.2 billion RDF quads which
describe 1.2 billion entities and originate from 65.4 million websites.

More detailed statistics about the distribution of formats, entities and
websites serving structured data, as well as growth between 2009/2010 and
2012 is provided on the project website:


It is interesting to see form the statistics that the RDFa and Microdata
deployment has grown a lot over the last years, but that Microformat data
still makes up the majority of the structured data that is embedded into
HTML pages (when looking at the amount of quads as well as the amount of

We hope that will be useful to the community by:
+ easing the access to Mircodata, Mircoformat and RDFa data, as you do not
need to crawl the Web yourself anymore in order to get access to a fair
portion of the structured data that is currently available on the Web.
+ laying the foundation for the more detailed analysis of the deployment of
the different technologies.
+ providing seed URLs for focused Web crawls that dig deeper into the
websites that offer a specific type of data.

Web Data Commons is a joint effort of Christian Bizer and Hannes Mühleisen
(Web-based Systems Group at Freie Universität Berlin) and Andreas Harth and
Steffen Stadtmüller (Institute AIFB at the Karlsruhe Institute of

Lots of thanks to:
+ the Common Crawl project for providing their great web crawl and thus
enabling the Web Data Commons project.
+ the Any23 project for providing their great library of structured data
+ the PlanetData and the LOD2 EU research projects which supported the

For the future, we plan to update the extracted datasets on a regular basis
as new Common Crawl corpora are becoming available. We also plan to provide
the extracted data in the in the form of CSV-tables for common entity types
(e.g. product, organization, location, …) in order to make it easier to
mine the data.


Christian Bizer, Hannes Mühleisen, Andreas Harth and Steffen Stadtmüller

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