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June 19, 2012

OSCON 2012

Note: this post has been marked as obsolete.
We're just one month away from one of the biggest and most exciting events of the year, O'Reilly's Open Source Convention (OSCON). This year's conference will be held July 16th-20th in Portland, Oregon.
Allison Domicone
Allison Domicone
Allison Domicone was formerly a Program and Policy Consultant to Common Crawl and previously worked for Creative Commons.

We're just one month away from one of the biggest and most exciting events of the year, O'Reilly's Open Source Convention (OSCON). This year's conference will be held July 16th-20th in Portland, Oregon. The date can't come soon enough. OSCON is one of the most prominent confluences of "the world’s open source pioneers, builders, and innovators" and promises to stimulate, challenge, and amuse over the course of five action-packed days. It will feature an audience of 3,000 open-source enthusiasts, incredible speakers, more than a dozen tracks, and hundreds of workshops. It's the place to be! So naturally, Common Crawl will be there to partake in the action.

Gil Ebaz

Gil Elbaz, Common Crawl's fearless founder and CEO of Factual, Inc., will lead a session called Hiding Data Kills Innovation on Wednesday, July 18th at 2:30pm, where he'll discuss the relationship between data accessibility and innovation. Other members of the Common Crawl team will be there as well, and we're looking forward to meeting, connecting, and sharing ideas with you! Keep an eye out for Gil's session and be sure to come say hi.

If you haven't registered, it's not too late to secure a spot today. If you've already registered, we hope to see you there! We're curious: what are some other sessions you're looking forward to at this year's OSCON?

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