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April 14, 2020

March/April 2020 crawl archive now available

Note: this post has been marked as obsolete.
The crawl archive for March/April 2020 is now available! It contains 2.85 billion web pages or 280 TiB of uncompressed content, crawled between March 28th and April 10th. It includes page captures of 1 billion URLs unknown in any of our prior crawl archives.
Sebastian Nagel
Sebastian Nagel
Sebastian is a Distinguished Engineer with Common Crawl.

The crawl archive for March/April 2020 is now available! It contains 2.85 billion web pages or 280 TiB of uncompressed content, crawled between March 28th and April 10th. It includes page captures of 1 billion URLs unknown in any of our prior crawl archives.

Data Type File List #Files Total Size
Compressed (TiB)
Segments segment.paths.gz 100
WARC warc.paths.gz 56000 62.67
WAT wat.paths.gz 56000 20.37
WET wet.paths.gz 56000 8.97
Robots.txt files robotstxt.paths.gz 56000 0.19
Non-200 responses non200responses.paths.gz 56000 1.39
URL index files cc-index.paths.gz 302 0.21
Columnar URL index files cc-index-table.paths.gz 900 0.25

Archive Location and Download

The March/April crawl archive is located in the commoncrawl bucket at crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-16/.

To assist with exploring and using the dataset, we provide gzipped files which list all segments, WARC, WAT and WET files.

By simply adding either s3://commoncrawl/ or https://data.commoncrawl.org/ to each line, you end up with the S3 and HTTP paths respectively.

The Common Crawl URL Index for this crawl is available at: https://index.commoncrawl.org/CC-MAIN-2020-16/. Also the columnar index has been updated to contain this crawl.

Please donate to Common Crawl if you appreciate our free datasets! We’re also seeking corporate sponsors to partner with Common Crawl for our non-profit work in open data. Please contact info@commoncrawl.org for sponsorship information.

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