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March 28, 2012

Data 2.0 Summit

Note: this post has been marked as obsolete.
Next week a few members of the Common Crawl team are going the Data 2.0 Summit in San Francisco.
Common Crawl Foundation
Common Crawl Foundation
Common Crawl - Open Source Web Crawling data‍

Next week a few members of the Common Crawl team are going the Data 2.0 Summit in San Francisco. We are very much looking forward to the summit – it is the largest Cloud Data conference of 2012 and last year’s summit was a great experience. If you haven’t already registered, use the code below for a 20% discount.

The main theme of this year’s Data 2.0 is the question: Why is the next technology revolution a Data Revolution? There will be a great collection entrepreneurs, investors, and executives – leaders in the areas of Cloud Data, Social Data, Big Data, and the API Economy – to discuss this question in presentations, panels and casual conversations. Check out the list of speakers to get an idea of who will be present.

One of my favorite parts of the 2011 Data 2.0 Summit was the Startup Pitch Day. This year, the following 10 startups will compete for over $20,000 in prizes in front of a panel of VCs: Precog, FoodGenius, Wishery, Lumenous, MortarData,  HG Data, Junar, SizeUp, Ginger.io, Booshaka.

During the summit and the afterparty, there is sure to be a lot of talk about strategies for startups to monetize data, why investors fund data companies, why corporations are interested in acquiring data-centric tech startups, API infrastructure, accessing the twitter firehose, mining the social web, big data technologies like Hadoop and MapReduce, NoSQL technologies like Cassandra and MongoDB, and the state of open government and open data initiatives.

Data openness and accessibility will definitely be a big part of the discussions.  Our Founder and Chairman, Gil Elbaz, will be on a panel called “How Open is the Open Web?” along with Bram Cohen of BitTorrent, Sid Stamm of Mozilla, Jatinder Singh of PARC, and Scott Burke of Yahoo.

Some of the highlights I am looking forward to in addition to Gil and Eva’s panels are:

  • “Data Science and Predicting the Future” Anthony Goldbloom of Kaggle, Joe Lonsdale of Anduin Ventures and Professor Alexander Gray of Skytree will discuss What makes data science different from big data and when does data science best predict the future.
  • “Social Data: Foundation of the Social Web” will have Daniel Tunkelang, principle data scientist at Linkedin, along with speakers from  Microsoft, Clearspring  and Walmart Labs and moderator Liz Gannes discussing how social data including social sharing, social news, and social connections are changing how we search, advertise, and work.
  • “Big Data, Big Challenges: Where should big data innovate in 2012:” Max Schireson of 10gen , Walter Maguire of HP Vertica and other panelists talking about the challenges facing data scientists in 2012 and which searching, indexing, computing, and storing tools should be improved to overcome them.

If you can be in San Francisco on April 3rd you should definitely attend Data 2.0! If you are going to be there and want to talk about Common Crawl, drop us an email or send us a message on Twitter so we can make plans to meet up.

Get 20% off your Data 2.0 Summit Pass using the discount code “data2get2012“ through March 30th 2012 here:http://data2summit.com/register

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