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Common Crawl - Mission

Open Data fosters interdisciplinary collaborations that can drive greater efficiency and effectiveness in solving complex challenges, from environmental issues to public health crises.

Common Crawl - Team - Kurt Bollacker

As an Advisor at Common Crawl, he provides the organization with valuable advice and insight into the crawl technology, big data processing, open innovation, products and collaborations. The Data. Overview. Web Graphs. Latest Crawl. Resources.

Common Crawl - Blog - The Promise of Open Government Data & Where We Go Next

A second, no less important, reason why open government data is powerful is its potential to help shift the culture of government toward one of greater collaboration, innovation, and transparency.

Common Crawl - Collaborators

Collaborators. Help enhance Common Crawl’s archives by becoming a partner, collaborator, sponsoring our work, or sharing resources and ideas. Want to be involved? Get in touch. The Data. Overview. Web Graphs. Latest Crawl. Resources. Get Started. Blog.

Common Crawl - Blog - Common Crawl Enters A New Phase

Over the next several months, we will be expanding our website and using this blog to describe our technology and data, communicate our philosophy, share ideas, and report on the products of our collaborations.

Common Crawl - Contact Us

Collaborators. About. Team. Mission. Impact. Privacy Policy. Terms of Use

Common Crawl - Blog - Common Crawl Discussion List

We have started a Common Crawl discussion list to enable discussions and encourage collaboration between the community of coders, hackers, data scientists, developers and organizations interested in working with open web crawl data.

Common Crawl - Team - Greg Lindahl

Before joining Common Crawl full-time in 2023, Greg was a member of the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, working at the Center for Astrophysics - Harvard & Smithsonian. He has also contributed to the Wayback Machine at the Internet Archive.

Common Crawl - CCBot

Enabling free access to web crawl data encourages collaboration and interdisciplinary research, as organizations, academia, and non-profits can work together to address complex challenges.

Common Crawl - Impact

The multilingual capabilities of these models have bridged language barriers, facilitating cross-cultural communication and collaboration on a scale previously unimaginable.

Common Crawl - Blog - Bridging Digital Exploration and Scientific Frontiers

Our systems, and those at CERN require precision, collaboration, and a steadfast commitment to a broader goal. In CERN's case, it's the quest to uncover the mysteries of the universe.

Common Crawl - Blog - 5 Good Reads in Big Open Data: March 13 2015

Open knowledge collaboration shouldn’t come at the cost of losing privacy over your very private identity, especially when the cost can be as high as prosecution. Generational Performance of Amazon EC2’s C3 and C4 families. – via.

Common Crawl - Blog - blekko donates search data to Common Crawl

For details of their donation and collaboration with Common Crawl see the post from their blog below. Follow blekko on Twitter. and. subscribe to their blo. g to keep abreast of their news (lots of cool stuff going on over there!)

Common Crawl - Blog - Web Image Size Prediction for Efficient Focused Image Crawling

Multimedia Knowledge and Social Media Analytics Lab. in collaboration with Symeon Papadopoulos in the context of the. REVEAL FP7 project. The Data. Overview. Web Graphs. Latest Crawl. Resources. Get Started. Blog. Examples. Use Cases. CCBot. Infra Status.