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Common Crawl - Blog - Video Tutorial: MapReduce for the Masses

Video Tutorial: MapReduce for the Masses. Learn how you can harness the power of MapReduce data analysis against the Common Crawl dataset with nothing more than five minutes of your time, a bit of local configuration, and 25 cents.

Common Crawl - Blog - MapReduce for the Masses: Zero to Hadoop in Five Minutes with Common Crawl

MapReduce for the Masses: Zero to Hadoop in Five Minutes with Common Crawl.

Common Crawl - Blog - Learn Hadoop and get a paper published

Keep reading.)Hadoop's version of MapReduce will undoubtedly come in handy in your future research, and Hadoop is a fun platform to get to know.

Common Crawl - Use Cases

MapReduce for the Masses: Zero to Hadoop in Five Minutes with CommonCrawl. Steve Salevan.

Common Crawl - Blog - Twelve steps to running your Ruby code across five billion web pages

It's currently released as. an Amazon Public Data Set. , which means you don't pay for access from Amazon servers, so I'll show you how on their Elastic MapReduce service. I'm grateful to. Ben Nagy. for the original Ruby code I'm basing this on.

Common Crawl - Blog - Common Crawl's Move to Nutch

Less than a year later, the Nutch Distributed File System was born and in 2005, Nutch had a working implementation of MapReduce. This implementation would later become the foundation for Hadoop. Benefits of Nutch.

Common Crawl - Blog - WikiReverse- Visualizing Reverse Links with the Common Crawl Archive

MapReduce for the Masses: Zero to Hadoop in Five Minutes with Common Crawl. [. 2. ]. Running Steve’s code deepened my interest in the project. What I like most is the efficiency savings of a large web scale crawl that anyone can access.

Common Crawl - Blog - 2012 Crawl Data Now Available

The AMI includes a copy of our Common Crawl User Library, our Common Crawl Example Library, and launch scripts to show users how to analyze the Common Crawl corpus using either a local Hadoop cluster or Amazon Elastic MapReduce.

Common Crawl - Blog - Data 2.0 Summit

strategies for startups to monetize data, why investors fund data companies, why corporations are interested in acquiring data-centric tech startups, API infrastructure, accessing the twitter firehose, mining the social web, big data technologies like Hadoop and MapReduce

Common Crawl - Blog - Web Image Size Prediction for Efficient Focused Image Crawling

Since for technical and financial reasons, it was impractical and unnecessary to download the whole dataset, we created a MapReduce job to download and parse the necessary information using Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR).

Common Crawl - Blog - Navigating the WARC file format

WARC-Mapreduce WET/WARC processor. (Java & Clojure). Kevin Bullaughey’s. WARC & WAT tools. (Go). Hanzo Archive's. Warc Tools. (Python). IIPC’s. Web Archive Commons library. for processing WARC & WAT (Java). Internet Archive’s.

Common Crawl - Blog - Announcing the Common Crawl Index!

For example, it should be possible to run a MapReduce job which computes the number of pages, creates a list of urls, and then runs the query in parallel. Command-Line Client.

Common Crawl - Blog - Answers to Recent Community Questions

However, the crawl infrastructure depends on our internal MapReduce and HDFS file system, and it is not yet in a state that would be useful to third parties.